Fedor Maksimilianovich Kuni
The honoured worker of a science of the Russian Federation,
the professor of statistical physics department Fedor M.Kuni
works without interruptions in the St.-Petersburg State University
for more than 50 years, since 1949 when he became a student of
the College of Physics of LGU. Fedor M.Kuni is widely known
expert in the molecular physics and physical chemistry of the
phenomena at interfaces,
He did pioneer basic research in the theory of
molecular correlations in liquids and surface layers (that work
was awarded by the premium of the Leningrad University in 1971),
in the thermodynamic theory of nucleation on charged centers,
in the kinetic theory of homogeneous and heterogeneous condensation
under most general conditions of dynamic creation of vapor supersaturation.
Fedor M.Kuni has received fundamental results in the theory
of nonisothermal condensation and has developed a method of
solution of multi-dimensional kinetic equation of the phase
transitions. The latter allowed him to describe in a systematic
way cavitation, binary nucleation, break-down of solution
supersaturated by gas. His investigation of condensation
on macroscopical nuclei revealed the origin of existence
of limiting value of vapor supersaturation and explained the
influence on this value caused by adsorption, micellization
and solubility of the substance of condensation nuclei.
Fedor M.Kuni is the author of over 270 scientific works and
the book "Statistical physics and thermodynamics" published
in 1981 by "Nauka" Publishing. He was awarded in 1978 by the
Certificate of honour of the Leningrad University for high
pedagogical skill and teaching the scientific staff. He was
a scientific advisor for 24 candidate dissertations, six his
former Ph.D. students became doctors of science, three former
students are the heads of departments. Fedor Kuni was the
organizer of the Statistical Physics Department at College
of Physics of the Leningrad University in 1975. He was
successfully the first Head of this Department for twenty
years and works now as a professor of this Department. In
1994, the Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of
Sciences in Colloid Chemistry and Physico&chemical Mechanics included
the scientific biografy of Fedor Kuni in the scientifically-biographic
directory "Who is who in the field of interface phenomena and disperse
systems". F.M.Kuni was nominated as Soros Professor.
Prof. Kuni continues his intensive and fruitful scientific activity.
For last ten years, he published over 100 scientific works in the
field of the theory of first order phase transitions and participate
with 18 reports in 12 international conferences. In 1996 he has been
awarded by premium of the International Academic Publishing Company
"Nauka" for the best publication in journals of Russian Academy of
Sciences. During five last years, F.M.Kuni was the principal
investigator for four grants and the investigator for five more grants,
including the grant of National Scientific Foundation of the USA.