Development of the first order phase transitions theory.
In the Department attention is granted to
the process of first order phase transitions. The problem is to
invent a theory describing all stage of system evolution, from
the moment of metastability formation up to its disappearance.
Barrier character of the new phase generation process
imply the main difficulty. The particle of new phase has to
overcome in a fluctuating way the state unfavourable from the
energetic point of view. Parameters of this effective energy barrier
are depending on the metastability degree of the initial phase
so this phenomenon is essentially non-liner process. The serious problem
is to describe the barrier as it is localized in the region of very
small sizes of new phase particles. In order to obtain a reasonable
accuracy we have to consider very delicate microeffects, such as
dependence of the evaporation velocity on particles cooling due to
the lost of each molecules.
People who work in this field:
D. Sc. Professor Alexandr Shchekin
The Department of Statistical Physic
Sain-Petersburg State University, Russia
Russian Version
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